Advantages of Aluminium Windows and Doors

As such an integral part of our home, doors and windows need to be a balance of practicality, funtionality and most of all, attractive! 

Whether you’re building a new home from scratch or you’re looking to upgrade and renovate, aluminium can prove to be an excellent choice for windows and doors.

  • Durability and maintenance: External doors and windows are constantly exposed to nature’s elements which makes resilience a crucial determinant. Aluminium windows and doors not only offer strength and stability, but also resistance to corrosion and decay. In fact, aluminium is known to last for decades with minimal maintenance.
  • Versatility: No matter what you’re looking for, aluminium can be used in almost any desig, thanks to its strength to weight ratio. This means you can have exceptionally large windows supported by a standard frame, or you can have a thin frame to effortlessly hold a window or door pane in place (our frameless bifold solutions are a dream come true). Of course, there are regulations to be mindful of!
  • Sustainability: Infinitely recyclable, aluminium can be melted and moulded into other products with little difficulty. Rather than using brand new aluminium for each project, we at endeavour to recycle 100% of our aluminium offcuts to keep in line with our sustainability policy.
  • Energy Efficiency: For an option that is as attractive as it is eco-friendly, these frames are the perfect choice. By choosing Nuline, you can be confident that you’re getting the best in energy efficiency – our door and window systems have all been tested to comply with Australian standards and performance values. We use thermally improved aluminium as a standard. All our double-glazed units are also filled using Argon gas, which further enhances the energy performance of the frames.
  • Appearance: Still wondering whether our commercial grade aluminium windows and doors will suit your home? If you are looking for architectural grade wide spanning glass panels, Nuline Windows has your back! And thanks to the amazing powder coating finishes available nowadays, you can get almost any frame colour to suit your taste and existing architectural style. Also, all our products are manufactured in our factory in Melbourne, which means we can customise the colour, hardware, configuration and size as per your liking.

As you can see, when it comes to aluminium windows and doors, no matter what the project, there is sure to be an option that suits your needs and adds style. Get in touch with us and our team will be happy to discuss your options with you.
