Nuline Windows Are A Proud Supplier Of Bifolds, Aluminium Doors And Windows, Stacker Doors And Glass Glazing Systems In Sandringham

With over 20 years experience in the design, manufacture and installation of framing and glass glazing systems in the Sandringham area, you can rest assured that you have made the right choice for your needs. We can supply a variety of products – including aluminium doors and windows, stacker doors and bifolds – which are all custom made to meet your exact specifications. We want you to be completely satisfied with your purchase and experience.

e specialise in the provision of architectural/commercial aluminium windows and doors, which are designed to hold heavy spans of glass and will complement any style of Sandringham home. Any type of glass can be effectively used in conjunction with these frames, from single or double glazed all the way through to low E or noise performance.

One of the main reasons that our bifolds are such a popular choice is that they completely remove barriers between the internal and external areas of your Sandringham home. When closed, the bifolds are impenetrable (both against intruders and inclement weather), whilst allowing plenty of natural sunlight to flow through and into the home.

We have a number of glazing systems available for our framing products, ensuring that your Sandringham home is adequately protected and provided with the security you desire. Whether you are interested in single laminated, single or double glazed, low E performance or noise performance, we are more than happy to be of assistance.

Our stacker doors have been designed specifically with expansive openings in mind, which help them to facilitate flow between your outdoor and indoor areas as well as make the most of your Sandringham home’s views. The frames have also been designed with our unique climate in mind, so you can rest assured that they will be beautiful and long lasting.

As you can see, Nuline Windows can provide you with a variety of framing and glass glazing systems that are sure to put your Sandringham home on the map. Our team is more than happy to answer any questions you may have or to offer suggestions about the best solution for your home. Please drop into our showroom to see our range of aluminium doors and windows, bifolds and stacker doors in action – we are open Monday to Friday.
